Saturday, September 18, 2010

For Brandon Masaki Ozawa Baker

As I'm writing this, I wonder if you'll ever see it. I have to hope and pray that you will as I don't know what else to do.

I don't know what your mom has told you or why you think you moved to Japan. The truth is that in the last years of our marriage and continuing after our divorce, your mom really struggled with her mental health. She was angry at me; some reasons were purely a product of her imagination, others were real and I won't deny them. In her instability, she chose to use you as weapon to hurt me in retaliation for what she believed I had done.  So in July of 2007, she kidnapped you while on vacation and fled to Japan where I wouldn't be able to see you again.

I'm doing everything I can to see you and so you have the choice of where you want to live.  I've been working with the US State Department's Office of Children's Issues to try and find you so we can establish contact. Your mom has the two of you in hiding, and once she's located by the police or whomever, she refuses to allow anyone to talk to you and then moves to a new address.

I highly doubt if your mom will ever come back to the United States because she knows that there are warrants for her arrest from the Boulder and San Diego police along with the FBI and others. There's also quite a few people looking for her because of damage that she and Eric did before you guys left for Japan.  There's no way she'll come here and I can't find you, so I thought this blog might help.

If you ever read this and want to talk, my email address is .  I miss you so much buddy and all I want is to know that you're OK and how you're doing with everything.  Now if you want to come home, we'd love to have you here with us.  Jessica and I got married and you have a new baby sister who would love to meet you.  I can buy you a plane ticket from Japan and also can get you a US passport that would allow you to come back.  It's up to you and I won't pressure you because I don't know what you've been told and I don't know how you feel.

I hope that you read this someday and that you get in contact. I've been missing you so badly every minute that you've been gone. I love you buddy.

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